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I will dive DEEP into your work to give you an in-depth analysis and action steps to massively (and immediately) improve your writing for only $39 (up to 1,000 words)

-Novel manuscripts (1,000 words in any part you want)

-Short stories (it’s fine if they’re longer than 1,000 words)

-Website/product descriptions

-Blog posts


-Sales copy/landing pages/emails

-Napkin poems (they’re really good, honest!)

-Love letters (maybe… šŸ˜¬)

-Any other writing

Want a critical eye to give you the straight truth about your writing and make it sharper and more powerful?

You only pay after I finish and youā€™re happy.

You drop your work in Google Docs, turn on commenting access, and send me the link.

Once I’m finished, you’re happy with the work, and I’ve answered all your questions, you send the money through PayPal (or any other app).

Simple as can be.

šŸ“ØShoot an email to or DM me on Instagram and say ā€œI want some feedbackā€ and we will get startedšŸ“©

Grab this offer while it’s still live

Get In-Depth Feedback to Improve Your Writing

(Go through slides below to see live examples of my feedback)

šŸ—ļøIā€™ll also reveal industry secrets from the world of digital marketing and copywriting, which have taught me more about writing than all the fiction and creative writing courses/books Iā€™ve read combined.

Industry secrets such as:

-How to grab your readerā€™s attention and keep it

-How to keep readersā€™ eyes flying through the pages, chapter after chapter

-How to make readers feel any emotion you wantā€¦ Angry, sad, in love

-How to format your writing for maximum readability and reader experience

-How to hack away wordy overgrowth and make your writing sharp as a cutlass

-And much more

Iā€™ve been tearing apart fiction, nonfiction, and sales copy for authors and online businesses for years. (As well as getting my OWN work torn apart without mercyā€¦ See belowšŸ˜¬šŸ’€)

I have a ruthless eye for good writing that is sharp, clear, and powerful.

šŸŖ“Iā€™ll hack away fluff, extra words, unclear ideas, and the most common (and heinous) mistake of all:

ā€œFancyā€ writing.

This will MASSIVELY improve the effectiveness of your writing and make your readers come back for more and more because no one else can pack power into their writing quite like youā€¦

This is only 1,000 words. I won’t be diving deep into characters, plot, and overall storytelling strategy. I’ll mention what I see, but FLASHBANG FEEDBACK is more about overall writing style, flow, voice, readability, and general writing skill.

Iā€™ll also do basic copyediting, but the main things Iā€™ll be looking at are big picture:


-Sentence structure

-Word choice


-Junk Filler



-Tense mix-ups

-Repetitive writing

-Adjective/adverb abuse

-Passive voice

-Basic grammar/copyediting

-Everything else I notice

I’ll basically slice up your writing on a fundamental level so you can see the big things you need to work on, as well as your natural strengths you should lean into.

(All writers have natural strengths and weaknesses. You should double down on your strengths and just make sure your weaknesses aren’t glaring. This balance applies to ALL of life. Most people waste time trying to fix all their weaknesses. WRONG. Your strengths are what will make you GREAT.)

You’ll end up with a much deeper perspective and grasp on your writing overall, and a clear direction forward with action steps.

(More testimonials at bottom of page)

šŸ“ØShoot an email to or DM me on Instagram and say ā€œI want some feedbackā€ and we will get startedšŸ“©

Grab this offer while it’s still live

Get In-Depth Feedback to Improve Your Writing

Youā€™ve got a novel manuscript, short story, eBook, napkin poem, or any other piece of writing.

Your friends tell you itā€™s good but donā€™t give very in-depth feedback, and youā€™re left wonderingā€¦

ā“ā€œIs it really good? Does it hold the readerā€™s attention? Are there any big mistakes that stand out? Is the voice and style interesting enough to sell? Will publishers actually PUBLISH it?ā€

ā“ā€¦ā€Are my friends just TELLING me itā€™s good?ā€

Well, now is your chance to get real and raw feedback and get your questions answered for real.

I remember feeling that way all the time with my early fiction. Friends and relatives would read it and say ā€œYeah it was great!ā€ 

But I knew I needed some harsh feedback from an actual pro. I needed someone with a sharp editing sword to come in, hack it to pieces, and give me the straight truth.

I knew that positive feedback FELT good, but was essentially uselessā€¦

ā­Critical feedback is a GOLDMINEā­

The amount you can learn from just ONE critical comment is tremendous, let alone dozens or hundredsā€¦

So I decided to pay editors to look through my fiction.


Red lines everywhere, red text spilling off the pageā€¦

ā€œThis is a cliche turn-off.ā€

ā€œThis metaphor doesnā€™t make any sense. Hack it away.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re trying too hard to be a ā€˜smartā€™ writer here. No one cares about you. They care about the STORY.ā€

ā€œToo many words. Confusing sentence structure. Hack it away.ā€

āš”And by thunder did it stingā€¦šŸ©ø

But the next story I wrote was better. A little less red ink.

Then the next story, even less red ink.

And so on…

The amount that I learned in those few months grew me exponentially as a writerā€¦

Then I started a career as a copywriter/digital marketer.

I joined a university and began learning the skillā€”salesmanship in print.

I submitted my work daily to be reviewed by peers and experienced copywriters, and THEY TORE IT APARTāš”ļø

But this time, I LOVED IT.

I knew how much better the feedback would make me, and I also knew Iā€™d never become a skilled copywriter without all the feedback.

I kept writing, kept improving, kept getting feedback, scrapping ideas and rebuilding better and sharper and strongerā€¦

Before long I was one of the top dogs in the university and spent hours every day reviewing OTHER membersā€™ copy and tearing it apart.

šŸ’°I became so busy that other writers started paying me big money just to dive deep into their emails or sales pages ASAP before they sent it off to their clientsšŸ’°

Now, on top of fiction and copywriting, I make a big chunk of my money editing for online businesses, social media influencers, fiction/nonfiction authors, and all other kinds of writers.

I see things in writing that most people miss.

So now I want to give you this insane offer that Iā€™m not even sure I should doā€¦

But as long as you’re reading this page, the offer still stands.

For only $39, I will DEEP edit up to 1,000 words of any piece of writing you have.

Fiction, nonfiction… Novels, short stories, napkin lyrics, sales copy, love letters… Whatever you’ve got.

Thirty-Nine U.S. Dollars. Paid only after I finish and youā€™re happy.

I will do a deep-dive into it, comb through it ruthlessly, and explain in-depth everything I see.

1,000 words might only be half of a short story or chapter, but it is more than enough for me to gauge your strengths and weaknesses, areas that need improvement, and overall writing ability.

Most of the things I point out will be large ideas that you will be able to apply to your writing for the rest of your life.

A normal editor would run you around $100 for 1,000 words, and hundreds or thousands for a whole novel… And barely give you any actionable advice.

šŸ’ŖšŸ¼Iā€™ll outperform them ALL and give you 100x more value.

Iā€™ll do basic copyediting, but the main things Iā€™ll be looking at are big picture:

-Sentence structure (Is your writing clear and concise or clunky and difficult to read? Confused readers never read much longer.)

-Word choice (Are you trying too hard to sound smart? Readers can sniff out a pretentious writer a mile away.)

-Formatting (Readability is KING. If your font, structure, and use of white space are poor, the reading experience will be terrible. It doesnā€™t matter HOW good your stories are if no one gets past the first few pages of dense ink-overgrowth.)

-Junk Filler (Most writers write WAY too muchā€¦ Extra words, unnecessary explanations, airy junk. This makes your writing weak and sluggish.)

-Pacing (Is your writing slower than frozen molasses or faster than greased lightning? Or somewhere in between?)

-Confidence (Is your writing confident and powerful or timid and meek? No one likes timid writing.)

-And tons of other common issues such as: Tense mixups, voice/style, repetitive writing, adjective/adverb abuse, passive voice, and basic grammar.

šŸ”ŖIā€™ll hack away fluff, extra words, unclear ideas, and the most common mistake of all: ā€œFancyā€ writing.

Youā€™ll come out with tons of new insights from both a fiction AND a pragmatic marketing standpoint.


āœ…1. I plan to blow you away with the quality of my work so youā€™ll want to hire me to do more.

You may even be so happy with it youā€™ll tip me extra. (I suppose Iā€™ll allow itā€¦šŸ˜‰)

Don’t worry thoughā€”I’ll NEVER pressure you or use any kind of heavy-handed sales tactics. Ever. NOT my style. If all you want is the $39 edit and nothing more, that’s 100% fine.

āœ…2. I want to network, build new relationships in the writing community, and build my reputation.

This will open up referrals for me and bring new people to my business.

(I may also ask you for an honest testimonial after the project, to help with my future business.)

āœ…3. I would have KILLED for an opportunity like this when I was just starting outā€¦

I paid thousands of dollars to have my work edited by pros, and the reason I waited so long was BECAUSE it was so expensive. I could have made HUGE leaps in progress much faster if I had someone simply tear apart a hearty chunk for $39.

I want to give as many other writers as possible this opportunity because I know the massive difference it makes in our development.

This is ZERO-RISK.

Youā€™ll only pay AFTER I complete the work and youā€™re happy with it. 

If Iā€™m a rude hack who doesnā€™t know anything, you can tarnish my name online.

āš”If I blow your mind like a flashbang grenade, it will be the best $39 you ever spentšŸ’„


(Go through slides below to see live examples of my feedback)

Ready to power-pack your writing?

šŸ“ØShoot an email to or DM me on Instagram and say ā€œI want some feedbackā€ and we will get startedšŸ“©

Grab this offer while it’s still live

Get In-Depth Feedback to Improve Your Writing

šŸ‘‡šŸ¼(The form below goes to my email as well. Feel free to use it. I’ll actually respond šŸ„‚)