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A NEW kind of writer

Chris Jones Pulp high-octane writer

People usually think of writers as pale, shaggy-haired, and nerdy. *

Many are, but not all.

A new kind of writer is emerging—

A revolutionary kind.

Strong, healthy men who live by Nietzsche’s Will to Power and strive to maximize their human potential in every way.

Red-blooded men who lift, fight, eat meat, and drink deep the spirits of life.

Men whose vigor and Holy YES to life shine through in their work and fills it with vitality and heart.

Men who want MORE from life.


This is why I lift heavy iron.

This is why I soak up the hot sun.

This is why I write and train outside, in nature.

This is why I hit pushups and sprints and ballistic kettlebell work barefoot and shirtless in the grass between writing blocks.

This is why I chug coffee and rip cigs and make the people walking by nervous.

This new wave of high-octane writers is the most exciting movement I’ve seen in my life.

Are you part of it too?


Sunburned Inkslinger

Freedom fighter

Full-throttle optimist

*I’m shaggy-haired, and maybe slightly nerdy… But I’m DEFINITELY not pale

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