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“Work hard” is plainly bad advice

The world is full of hard-working people who never get anywhere.


Because it doesn’t matter how hard you work if you’re not working on the RIGHT things.

It’s all leverage.

You might work your ass off at an hourly job, but it never really gets you anywhere…

And if it does, it’s slow baby steps.

That’s a one-way path to a dull life of regret.

“Work hard” is advice for people who still believe in the American dream…

People who still WANT that.

Okay, sure –

If you want a corporate mid-management job and a nice picket-fence home in a quiet development that doesn’t allow fires at night…

Work hard.

But if you’re a man with a beating heart, you want MORE than that.

So forget about “working hard” and “suffering nobly.”


Attack the leverage points that will give you massive growth like a fucking bloodhound and rip them for all they’re worth.

Go for critical damage.

A well-lived life is a long series of sprints…

Attack ferociously, recover. 

Raid with your brothers, return home with the spoils.

It’s not a marathon. 

All a marathon gets you is tired.

Sprints deliver results.

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